Friday, March 14, 2008


Consumating originally a dating site that became more like a is shutting down today. I thought about making a bid for it from CNET. Estimates put the user group at 20,000, though some think the active users may be 350. Assume one page view per month per user and multiply that by (0.5/100), which is a conservative click per page view (see previous blog). That comes to a grand total of $75 month ad revenue. Retail for hosting is about $1000 a month. Even if you reduce hosting costs to wholesale and maximize ad clicks five fold you do not break even. Then there is the big cost of a developer. My software for writing software could easily build and support a new, but it lacks a few features. I would have to devote a developer three months to migrating the site and pay something to CNET for their data. The only way to make money is to offer a service. But what service would any of these users want? CNET did not find it and I could not think of anything either.

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