Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Generated Ad Revenue Estimate

I searched the internet to find a range I could expect to earn from ads if I created a web site. I did not find much, but given the information I have I can make a guess. I ran ads in January 2008 using Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft so I know the CTR for a particular set of ads. So what do I mean by a web site? I had an idea last summer to put up a web site about web worms. There was a large infestation in my neighborhood, and I saw a little bit of buzz online, but no good source of information about them. They could eat a leaf pretty fast and a video could have been interesting. I thought such a web site could generate about 11,000 hits over three months. So how much would I make for the two days to build such a site? Web Marketing Today has a guess from 1999. For 28,572 impressions they estimate you will make $1,000. So if we have about three ads that sounds good. Unfortunately a CTR of $35 is unrealistic unless you are Google search. Webmaster has a blog that suggest taking average click payout and multiplying it by 2% to 5%. Then I realized I have another piece of information, this blog. It has a click rate of about 0.5%. So 0.5% of 11,000 equals 55. If Google pays $.50 for each click that is a grand total of $27.50. If somehow through ad placement, buzz, and a really great site it does somehow achieve 2% then we make $110. Junk mail has a success rate of about 1%, which is another piece of information to confirm this estimate. Anyone with a blog or web site please post a comment if this percentage is close to your ad click compared to views.

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