Saturday, March 15, 2008

Inflation Held Steady in February

Inflation Held Steady in February is a top story today. I work out of my home and once a month I trek to the grocery store for my monthly supplies. The only two bills that did not go up in February were phone and rent. I do not heat with electricity and I shut lights off when I leave a room as my parents taught. So a record electric bill for this time of year has me worried about the coming summer. At the grocery store I am a creature of habit. I buy the same things and also use my outing to fill the gas tank. My February bill was higher than January on almost everything. Yesterday was a real shocker. I made my monthly run for March and wow. When did gasoline go over three dollars? The dollars on the pump move like the cents once did. My bill at Sam’s was the largest ever and the largest percent increase. So how did the government come up with their number? They excluded all the things that most Americans use everyday, like electricity, gasoline, and food. Whoops they are right, rent and phone costs did not go up, there is no inflation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

US News (3-17-08) article "The Growing Food Cost Crisis" addresses the why of price increases but offers no help on understanding government statistic compiling or reporting.