Thursday, July 19, 2007

Honey Bees being Killed by a Parasite

Scientists are attributing the mass die out of honey bees to a parasite from Asia. It was interesting to see all the completely unscientific theories such as the cell phones stories, one of which even made to the headline story on Yahoo. Now cell phone phobias will have to find another unexplained mystery to blame on cell phones. Genetic crops and the new pesticides were thrown around as a possible cause. But as usually with mysteries like this the solution is simple and logical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like the news stories on this issue had died out. Is this the answer? In the age of global communication, this was just a parasitical version of the Asian Flu? In the age of global communication, I have become skeptical. But, as with most problems, the solution is usually simple.