Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wal-Mart Runs out of Mountain Dew

I have had many acquaintances complaining of a lack of energy this week. I myself have experienced it and decided to pick up some Mountain Dew, which was sold out. The recent above average rains point to allergies. Because of landscaping and lawns cities have an above average problem with natural contaminates. But many other possibilities exist, such as a virus or the recent increase of temperatures by 5 to 8 degrees combined with high humidity. It could also be ozone levels or any of the many human made contaminates. There are even subtle things such as the alignment of the moon. Because of this lack of energy I have gotten very little work done in the first two days of the week. Apparently very few people have. I have never planned for this component in a business project. With information more easily obtained about environmental factors or the performance of workers could managing factors such as human energy level be the next area of productivity gains?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And steak shortages too?

High performance companies recognize the value of managing performance. They go beyond responsibility and accountability for TASKS, they
1) motivate
2) inspire
3) provide extended benefits (lounges, coffee rooms, game rooms, space, family friendly environments, on-site health care...) that show people they are valued.