Friday, November 2, 2007

Hot Potato

John Kerry received $1,000 in stolen campaign contributions July and took Hilary Clinton's lead and has donated that amount to charity. This involved a scandal by Norman Hsu who donated millions to political candidates that he stole in an investment scheme. This may be a good indication of what to expect from these two candidates in the future. They did not want to deal with the issue and gave the money away. They have no regard for the victims. Maybe they do not trust the police enough to turn the money over to the authorities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The other thing the two have in common is flip-flopping. When Bush and Kerry ran, you knew where Bush stood in fairly simple terms - for better or worse. With Kerry, it was so nuanced, political and triangulated that you wondered where he stood and if you could trust him. Now Rodham-Clinton is travelling the same road.