Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why is it so hard to say no?

Money sent to Mexico by illegal immigrants failed to grow this year compared to the normal 10% growth Remittances to Mexico Slow . Since the illegal immigrant population continues to grow this was blamed on recently adopted state and local laws aimed at making life more difficult for illegal immigrants. The article said that a quarter of those polled were employed as construction workers or day laborers. This sector has been hard hit with the tightening of the credit market and the resulting slow down in home sales. Countrywide leads mortgage sector shares down ; Accredited Home forecasts loss; shares drop. Some employers were saying they need proper documentation to be able to hire. Given the slow down and lack of construction jobs are they really saying no jobs are available? Employment numbers show that the construction industry is also reducing the number of legal employees. In trying to deflect blame or soften the news of the slowdown they may be giving illegal immigrants false hope. Even if they gain legal status it could be years before the construction jobs are available again. Why do we have so much trouble saying no? When kids ask for something it can be so much easier to say maybe. My parents always seemed quick to say no. By giving hope that jobs are available when they are not is cruel. These workers may be trying to gain legal status when they really need to be looking for work in another sector.

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