Friday, June 27, 2008

California loves to pollute

The new California green initiative seems to be how much pollution they can add to the earth outside California. Perhaps they also have plans for a giant dome to encompass the state. All indications are this green initiative will reduce the standard of living and increase pollution; nothing for something. Since pollution credits become valuable there is more incentive to use them then not to, even if they are not needed. Corporations will control the pollution from hand outs from their political allies. New companies will have to pay previous monopolies to do business, so new companies that have green technology that produce significantly less pollution will be penalized because they are new. As the credits become valuable it will be cost effective to cash them in and move the polluting activities out of the state. Production of things like electricity requires more energy to transmit over distance. So the farther from the source the more pollution required to produce the original amount. Also standards in some states are not as rigid as California meaning more pollution is allowed for the same process. Any new enterprise that produces carbon byproducts is going to be discouraged from locating in California. More energy related services are going to move out of California requiring more energy to transport them to California. Expanding the transportation system is going to create even more industrial activities adding even more pollution. Running all of this is the government, which has a track record of inefficiency and bureaucracy. By locking in technology and a way of doing things they lock out small business and individuals and the ability to adopt new technologies. Maybe California is so vocal in trying to get other states to adopt this because they know otherwise their wealth, jobs, industry, and workers are going to follow the pollution.


Anonymous said...

That is a good point about California's pollution. You have mixed up two competing ideas. The first, is it ethical? Some use that argument about selling drugs...if the dealer stops selling then they will just buy it somewhere else. If something is wrong, then a person of principle will struggle to stop doing it. No matter the consequences. The real question is whether Californians are making a wise decision based on principle and sound judgement?

David Cartmel said...

California is saying they want to reduce carbon emissions. But their actions are to move it out of state. Which if they use the same services will increase carbon emission. California is a massive polluter and this not in my backyard has been at the top of their agenda for years. I just wanted to point out that California is saying something to feel good while in action doing the opposite. I think this is not really about right or wrong to them but a political move by California to have their cake and also eat it, unfortunately at the expense of the rest of the world.